A Talk by Dr Brent Fortenberry
at the Georgian Group
6 Fitzroy Square
(Nearest tube station Warren Street)
6pm for 6.30pm Thursday 21st March 2019
(wine and nibbles provided)
Dr. Brent Fortenberry specializes in the vernacular architecture of the British Atlantic world and contemporary issues in historic preservation and cultural heritage. His most recent research focuses on the cities and port towns of the Greater Caribbean, and the plantation landscapes of Barbados and the Carolina Lowcountry. At Texas A&M, Dr. Fortenberry is Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture where he teaches courses in architectural history and historic preservation. Dr. Fortenberry has been a Faculty Fellow in the Center for Heritage Conservation since 2017, and currently serves as Chair of the Education Committee for the Vernacular Architecture Forum.
FGSJ Members £16.00 Non-members 18.00 Students £5.00
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